Ho Ho Ho!
Did anyone get books from their wishlist for Christmas?
I was lucky enough to receive:
A Breath of Snow and Ashes- Diana Gabaldon A side note here: my sister Sue got this one for me and I had bought it for her!
A Million Little Pieces- James Frey
Milk Glass Moon-Adriana Trigiani
Rococo-Adriana Trigiani
I gave a ton of books this year.
To my 8 year old niece,Lauren, who is a voracious reader:
A 3 book Collection of E.B. White
The entire Little House on the Prarie set
A Beverly Cleary Collection
plus 3 magazine subscriptions:
Zoo Books
National Geographic for Kids
Ranger Rick
To my husband John, who has discovered the joys of reading later in life:
the new Beatles Biography
a biography on Keith Moon (drummer for The Who)
a biography on the band Cream
a biography on Charlie Watts(drummer for Rolling Stones)
The Illustrated Dead (coffee table book on Greatful Dead)
The Complete Lyrics of the Greatful Dead
Anyone sense a theme going on here?
He also got the book 700 Sundays and The Know-It-All:One Man's Humble Quest to be the Smartest Man in the World.
For my mom I got 7 different titles from the NY Times bestseller list.
Unfortunately, I didn't write them down so I can't remember them all. But one was by the author of the No.1 Ladie's Detective Agency. Another was a Suduko number puzzle book-trying to stimulate her cognitive abilities.
I hope you all got some new reading material
and were able to give some as well.
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